Monday, July 13, 2009

Interesting Conversations

Ever since I posted "Goodbye To My Friend" a few days ago... I've been engaging is some really interesting conversations about life and death issues. So many people I know are dealing with difficult situations right now. I'm posting this e-mail because it is my ONLY answer for hope and peace in difficult situations.This particular e-mail was regarding how to explain death to a child-

My reply:To be honest with you- if I didn't believe in Christ and eternal life in Heaven... I don't know how I would be comforted or able to explain death to anyone, let alone my child. You mentioned not being "as religious" so I don't know if that means you believe in God or not. I prefer to think of myself as having a relationship with God. It's not about religion for me... I can explain that more if you like.Regarding your question though- these are several of the bible verses that I included in a book I made for Tori. I created it specifically to share Jesus and Heaven in a creative way with her.

John 14:2-3"In my Father's house there are many rooms... I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am."- Jesus

John 14:6"I am the way, the truth and the life, no one can come to the Father except through me."- Jesus

John 3:16"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

Since I often talk to Tori about Jesus and Heaven and I am assured that I will spend eternity in Heaven when I die... I'm not afraid to tell Tori that. I've explained that I will always be her Mommy and that I'm not planning to go anywhere right now but if I ever did, it would be Heaven and I would see her again. She talks about Heaven and says she doesn't want to go right now but knows she will like it. It's become a normal part of conversation instead of something sad to talk about. That of course does not minimize the sadness that anyone would feel at losing someone they love but it does offer hope and peace. Without believing in Christ... it would seem hopeless to me.

Here's the link to the book I made for her if you'd like to check it out.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Goodbye to my friend

I said goodbye to a dear friend today. It was HARD! How do I explain who Carol was... she was such an incredible lady. She loved the Lord and loved others. She will be greatly missed. If you've read my blog before... you know that I like to write when things are hard and I usually find the humor in the situation. While you won't find humor in this post, you will hopefully be blessed by how the Lord has comforted me.

I often ask God my hard questions and lately I've gotten so much better at listening for His answers. But sometimes He says, "you're asking the wrong question." What's a "wrong question"?

Here's the practical example that God used to get my attention... a few months ago Tori asked me a question that I couldn't answer. It wasn't because I didn't have an answer or that I was too busy to answer her question. It wasn't because I didn't want her to have understanding or that I didn't care about her was because she asked an unanswerable question. She didn't know enough about the subject to ask the correct questions to gain insight. First I had to correct her understanding of the subject. God got my attention with that simple conversation and made me aware that often I'll try to ask questions to gain understanding but I don't know enough about the subject to ask the right question. First, I have to be willing to let go of my questions until God reveals more about the subject so that I can ask the answerable questions.

I'm realizing that there are a lot of subjects that my finite mind is not able to grasp. On some subjects, I probably won't be able to ask the right questions until I meet Him face to face.

Dealing with the loss of Carol I experienced asking the "wrong question" again. I was crying out and asking God why He tore Carol away from her family. She was so young at only 50. She had experienced hard times as a single mom but was really happy at this stage of her life. She had great adult kids and was married to the love of her life, Carl. When cancer claimed her life they had only been married 7 years... such a short time. Everyone that knew them knew how deeply in love they were and how grateful they were for having found each other. I just couldn't understand why God didn't give them more time together.

When I stopped asking God my questions and listened for an answer... this is what I heard. "You're not understanding what happened. This was the path I knew she was going to walk. I knew she was going to develop cancer and in my great mercy I didn't want her to go through this journey alone. I brought Carl into her life because I knew he would love and take care of my precious Carol. I didn't tear them apart... I brought them together and gave them the gift of 7 years. I gave the kids a loving step-dad and an enlarged family. I knew what the final outcome was going to be. I also knew that given the knowledge in advance that they would only have a short time together that they still would have chosen each other and lived their lives as fully as they did. They didn't waste a single day."

Everyday is a gift! I want to live like that. Her son Kyle said something during the memorial that I will never forget. It went something like this- "you all felt loved by my Mom... but she loved me so much, you should be jealous of how much she loved me!" I want my kids to feel that way. I want them to feel so much love that they never doubt that they are loved. I want my husband to know that he is the love of my life and that no matter what happens in our life that I will stick by him and support him.

Thank you Carol for your example of a loving mother and wife. I am a better person for having known you.Thank you God for answering my "wrong question". I can now move on to my next questions, "How do I live a life that was as impactful as hers? How do I love others so self-lessly? How do I honor God in life and in death as she did? The answer- live out the fruit of the Spirit- love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. (Gal. 5:22-23) and "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.' The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these." (Mark 12:30-31)

While I still don't understand sickness, disease, and death I do know that it is not what God intended and that one day we will live free of the curse. Carol is living FREE now. I can almost guarantee that if there is a welcoming committee in Heaven... Carol is there and she is making everyone feel loved and happy to be around her... and she is laughing and smiling. I hope my other loved ones in Heaven get to know her... she is an amazing lady.

Goodbye my friend-