Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Terrible Twos

Although he's only 21 months... he's acting like a terrible 2! Oh MY! If I don't lose my mind... I'll consider myself lucky. If this is just the beginning........................!

Here are the stats:
awake a little before 7am
2 bowls of food thrown on the floor... none eaten
1 paci thrown at my head
1000 toys thrown around the living room and bedroom
4 screaming fits
4 time-outs
10:30am nap time... although it's usually at 1pm

Update 2pm: The dog, garbage truck, and Tori all took turns waking Siah from his nap and just when I thought I'd lose my mind... I sat down to pray and remembered a parenting book I'd had on my shelf waiting for a day like today. I read the first two chapters of Power of a Praying Parent. I know God will get me through! Here's the first few sentences... couldn't meet me more where I'm at-

"It's the best of jobs. It's the most difficult of jobs. It can bring you the greatest joy. It can cause the greatest pain. There is nothing as fulfilling and exhilarating. there's nothing so depleting and exhausting. No area of your life can make you feel more like a success when everything is going well. No area of you life can make you feel more like a failure when things go wrong. PARENTING!"

I did start my day with prayer and try to do so each morning. I've been encouraged by a dear friend to pray on the full armor of God before even getting out of bed each morning and I've also added praying the fruit of the spirit. Unfortunately almost immediately this morning I wasn't displaying much fruit (or maybe Siah plucked it all off and started throwing it at me!) Yes, I think that's what happened. Can't you just picture it? You want PEACE? I'll give you some peace! Here comes the wind up, the pitch, home run! Mommy's peace has left the ballpark. Followed closely by patience, joy, and kindness. Thankfully the fruit of love is attached so tightly that he can't pull it off no matter what he does. Ah, I can go on such tangents at times... anyways, back to what I was talking about originally.I started to pray again and while it's still a challenging day, I feel more hopeful and encouraged. Currently my little munchkins are playing peacefully in the sandbox. Peace is knocking tentatively at my door again... welcome home peace, welcome home!